Семинар 23 – 30 ноября 2015 г.

Ольга Сильченко


1511.06369 Imprints of radial migration on the Milky Way's metallicity distribution functions

Sarah R. Loebman, Victor P. Debattista, David L. Nidever, Michael R. Hayden, Jon A. Holtzman, Adam J. Clarke, Rok Roskar, Monica Valluri

Published 2015-11-19, 5 pages, 5 figures, published in ApJ Letters

Recent analysis of the SDSS-III/APOGEE Data Release 12 stellar catalogue hasrevealed that the Milky Way's metallicity distribution function (MDF) changesshape as a function of radius, transitioning from being negatively skewed atsmall Galactocentric radii to positively skewed at large Galactocentric radii.Using a high resolution, N-body+SPH simulation, we show that the changingskewness arises from radial migration - metal-rich stars form in the inner diskand subsequently migrate to the metal-poorer outer disk. These migrated starsrepresent a large fraction (> 50%) of the stars in the outer disk; theypopulate the high metallicity tail of the MDFs and are, in general, moremetal-rich than the surrounding outer disk gas. The simulation also reproducesanother surprising APOGEE result: the spatially invariant high-[alpha/Fe] MDFs.This arises in the simulation from the migration of a population formed withina narrow range of radii (3.2+/-1.2 kpc) and time (8.8+/-0.6 Gyr ago), ratherthan from spatially extended star formation in a homogeneous medium at earlytimes. These results point toward the crucial role radial migration has playedin shaping our Milky Way.

1511.07227 Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Cartwheel

James L. Higdon, Sarah J. U. Higdon, Sergio Martin Ruiz, Richard J. Rand

Published 2015-11-23, 10-pages text; 5-figures

Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 12CO(J=1-0) observationsare used to study the cold molecular ISM of the Cartwheel ring galaxy and itsrelation to HI and massive star formation (SF). CO moment maps find$(2.69\pm0.05)\times10^{9}$ M$_{\odot}$ of H$_2$ associated with the inner ring(72%) and nucleus (28%) for a Galactic I(CO)-to-N(H2) conversion factor($\alpha_{\rm CO}$). The spokes and disk are not detected. Analysis of theinner ring's CO kinematics show it to be expanding ($V_{\rm exp}=68.9\pm4.9$ kms$^{-1}$) implying an $\approx70$ Myr age. Stack averaging reveals CO emissionin the starburst outer ring for the first time, but only where HI surfacedensity ($\Sigma_{\rm HI}$) is high, representing $M_{\rmH_2}=(7.5\pm0.8)\times10^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$ for a metallicity appropriate$\alpha_{\rm CO}$, giving small $\Sigma_{\rm H_2}$ ($3.7$ M$_{\odot}$pc$^{-2}$), molecular fraction ($f_{\rm mol}=0.10$), and H$_2$ depletiontimescales ($\tau_{\rm mol} \approx50-600$ Myr). Elsewhere in the outer ring$\Sigma_{\rm H_2}\lesssim 2$ M$_{\odot}$ pc$^{-2}$, $f_{\rm mol}\lesssim 0.1$and $\tau_{\rm mol}\lesssim 140-540$ Myr (all $3\sigma$). The inner ring andnucleus are H$_2$-dominated and are consistent with local spiral SF laws.$\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ in the outer ring appears independent of $\Sigma_{\rm H_2}$,$\Sigma_{\rm HI}$ or $\Sigma_{\rm HI+H_2}$. The ISM's long confinement in therobustly star forming rings of the Cartwheel and AM0644-741 may result ineither a large diffuse H$_2$ component or an abundance of CO-faint low columndensity molecular clouds. The H$_2$ content of evolved starburst rings maytherefore be substantially larger. Due to its lower $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ and agethe Cartwheel's inner ring has yet to reach this state. Alternately, the outerring may trigger efficient SF in an HI-dominated ISM.

1511.07344 Evidence for a change in the dominant satellite galaxy quenching mechanism at z=1

Michael L. Balogh, Sean L. McGee, Angus Mok, Adam Muzzin, Remco F. J. van der Burg, Richard G. Bower, Alexis Finoguenov, Henk Hoekstra, Chris Lidman, John S. Mulchaey, Allison Noble, Laura C. Parker, Masayuki Tanaka, David J. Wilman, Tracy Webb, Gillian Wilson, Howard K. C. Yee

Published 2015-11-23, Submitted to MNRAS; revised Oct 23 following referee report

We present an analysis of galaxies in groups and clusters at $0.8<z<1.2$,from the GCLASS and GEEC2 spectroscopic surveys. We compute a "conversionfraction" $f_{\rm convert}$ that represents the fraction of galaxies that wereprematurely quenched by their environment. For massive galaxies, $M_{\rmstar}>10^{10.3}M_\odot$, we find $f_{\rm convert}\sim 0.4$ in the groups and$\sim 0.6$ in the clusters, similar to comparable measurements at $z=0$. Thismeans the time between first accretion into a more massive halo and final starformation quenching is $t_p\sim 2$ Gyr. This is substantially longer than theestimated time required for a galaxy's star formation rate to become zero onceit starts to decline, suggesting there is a long delay time during which littledifferential evolution occurs. In contrast with local observations we findevidence that this delay timescale may depend on stellar mass, with $t_p$approaching $t_{\rm Hubble}$ for $M_{\rm star}\sim 10^{9.5}M_\odot$. The resultsuggests that the delay time must not only be much shorter than it is today,but may also depend on stellar mass in a way that is not consistent with asimple evolution in proportion to the dynamical time. Instead, we find the dataare well-matched by a model in which the decline in star formation is due to"overconsumption", the exhaustion of a gas reservoir through star formation andexpulsion via modest outflows in the absence of cosmological accretion.Dynamical gas removal processes, which are likely dominant in quenching newlyaccreted satellites today, may play only a secondary role at $z=1$.