Семинар 43 – 28 июля 2016 г.

Доклад: Впечатления о конференции: "Discs in galaxies"

Ольга Сильченко

ESO, Гархинг, Германия, 11-15 июля 2016
Сайт конференции

Ольга Сильченко


1607.05726 An Improved Distance and Mass Estimate for Sgr A* from a Multistar Orbit Analysis

A. Boehle, A. M. Ghez, R. Schödel, L. Meyer, S. Yelda, S. Albers, G. D. Martinez, E. E. Becklin, T. Do, J. R. Lu, K. Matthews, M. R. Morris, B. Sitarski, G. Witzel

Published 2016-07-19, 56 pages, 14 figures, accepted to ApJ

We present new, more precise measurements of the mass and distance of ourGalaxy's central supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. These results stem from a newanalysis that more than doubles the time baseline for astrometry of faint starsorbiting Sgr A*, combining two decades of speckle imaging and adaptive opticsdata. Specifically, we improve our analysis of the speckle images by usinginformation about a star's orbit from the deep adaptive optics data (2005 -2013) to inform the search for the star in the speckle years (1995 - 2005).When this new analysis technique is combined with the first completere-reduction of Keck Galactic Center speckle images using speckle holography,we are able to track the short-period star S0-38 (K-band magnitude = 17,orbital period = 19 years) through the speckle years. We use the kinematicmeasurements from speckle holography and adaptive optics to estimate the orbitsof S0-38 and S0-2 and thereby improve our constraints of the mass ($M_{bh}$)and distance ($R_o$) of Sgr A*: $M_{bh} =4.02\pm0.16\pm0.04\times10^6~M_{\odot}$ and $7.86\pm0.14\pm0.04$ kpc. Theuncertainties in $M_{bh}$ and $R_o$ as determined by the combined orbital fitof S0-2 and S0-38 are improved by a factor of 2 and 2.5, respectively, comparedto an orbital fit of S0-2 alone and a factor of $\sim$2.5 compared to previousresults from stellar orbits. This analysis also limits the extended dark masswithin 0.01 pc to less than $0.13\times10^{6}~M_{\odot}$ at 99.7% confidence, afactor of 3 lower compared to prior work.

1607.06466 The supermassive black hole and double nucleus of the core elliptical NGC5419

X. Mazzalay, J. Thomas, R. P. Saglia, G. A. Wegner, R. Bender, P. Erwin, M. H. Fabricius, S. Rusli

Published 2016-07-21, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We obtained adaptive-optics assisted SINFONI observations of the centralregions of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC5419 with a spatial resolution of 0.2arcsec ($\approx 55$ pc). NGC5419 has a large depleted stellar core with aradius of 1.58 arcsec (430 pc). HST and SINFONI images show a point sourcelocated at the galaxy's photocentre, which is likely associated with thelow-luminosity AGN previously detected in NGC5419. Both the HST and SINFONIimages also show a second nucleus, off-centred by 0.25 arcsec ($\approx 70$pc). Outside of the central double nucleus, we measure an almost constantvelocity dispersion of $\sigma \sim 350$ km/s. In the region where the doublenucleus is located, the dispersion rises steeply to a peak value of $\sim 420$km/s. In addition to the SINFONI data, we also obtained stellar kinematics atlarger radii from the South African Large Telescope. While NGC5419 shows lowrotation ($v < 50$ km/s), the central regions (inside $\sim 4 \, r_b$) clearlyrotate in the opposite direction to the galaxy's outer parts. We useorbit-based dynamical models to measure the black hole mass of NGC5419 from thekinematical data outside of the double nuclear structure. The models implyM$_{\rm BH}=7.2^{+2.7}_{-1.9} \times 10^9$ M$_{\odot}$. The enhanced velocitydispersion in the region of the double nucleus suggests that NGC5419 possiblyhosts two supermassive black holes at its centre, separated by only $\approx70$ pc. Yet our measured M$_{\rm BH}$ is consistent with the black hole massexpected from the size of the galaxy's depleted stellar core. This suggests,that systematic uncertainties in M$_{\rm BH}$ related to the secondary nucleusare small.

1607.07595 Exponential Disks from Stellar Scattering: III. Stochastic Models

Bruce G. Elmegreen, Curtis Struck

Published 2016-07-26, 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Astrophysical Journal

Stellar scattering off irregularities in a galaxy disk has been shown to makean exponential radial profile, but no fundamental reason for this has beensuggested. Here we show that exponentials are mathematically expected fromrandom scattering in a disk when there is a slight inward bias in thescattering probability. Such a bias was present in our previous scatteringexperiments that formed exponential profiles. Double exponentials can arisewhen the bias varies with radius. This is a fundamental property of scatteringand may explain why piece-wise exponential profiles are ubiquitous in galaxies,even after minor mergers and other disruptive events.