Семинар 50 – 9 ноября 2016 г.

Доклад: Впечатления о конференции: “The galaxy life-cycle From activity to quiescence, and back, across cosmic times”

Алексей Моисеев

Сайт конференции
(24-28 October 2016, Venice, Italy)


Евгения Егорова


1611.00480 The growth of the central region by acquisition of counter-rotating gas in star-forming galaxies

Yan-Mei Chen, Yong Shi, Christy A. Tremonti, Matt Bershady, Michael Merrifield, Eric Emsellem, Yi-Fei Jin, Song Huang, Hai Fu, David A. Wake, Kevin Bundy, David Stark, Lihwai Lin, Maria Argudo-Fernandez, Thaisa Storchi Bergmann, Dmitry Bizyaev, Joel Brownstein, Martin Bureau, John Chisholm, Niv Drory, Qi Guo, Lei Hao, Jian Hu, Cheng Li, Ran Li, Alexandre Roman Lopes, Kai-Ke Pan, Rogemar A. Riffel, Daniel Thomas, Lan Wang, Kyle Westfall, Ren-Bin Yan

Published 2016-11-02, 20 pages, 7 figures, 1 table

Galaxies grow through both internal and external processes. In about 10% ofnearby red galaxies with little star formation, gas and stars arecounter-rotating, demonstrating the importance of external gas acquisition inthese galaxies. However, systematic studies of such phenomena in blue,star-forming galaxies are rare, leaving uncertain the role of external gasacquisition in driving evolution of blue galaxies. Based on new measurementswith integral field spectroscopy of a large representative galaxy sample, wefind an appreciable fraction of counter-rotators among blue galaxies (9 out of489 galaxies). The central regions of blue counter-rotators show youngerstellar populations and more intense, ongoing star formation than their outerparts, indicating ongoing growth of the central regions. The result offersobservational evidence that the acquisition of external gas in blue galaxies ispossible; the interaction with pre-existing gas funnels the gas into nuclearregions (< 1 kpc) to form new stars.