Семинар 103 – 12 сентября 2018 г.

Доклад: Впечатления об IAU симпозиумах

Ольга Сильченко

Вена, 20-31 августа 2018


Доклад: Впечатления об IAU симпозиумах

Евгения Егорова

Вена, 20-31 августа 2018


Доклад: Впечатления об IAU симпозиумах

Олег Егоров

Вена, 20-31 августа 2018


Иван Катков


1809.00614 Mapping the Kinematically Decoupled Core in NGC 1407 with MUSE

Evelyn J. Johnston, George K. T. Hau, Lodovico Coccato, Cristian Herrera

Published 2018-09-03, 9 pages, 5 figures, Published in MNRAS

Studies of the kinematics of NGC 1407 have revealed complex kinematicalstructure, consisting of the outer galaxy, an embedded disc within a radius of$\sim60$ arcsec, and a kinematically decoupled core (KDC) with a radius of lessthan 30arcsec. However, the size of the KDC and the amplitude of the kinematicmisalignment it induces have not yet been determined. In this paper, we explorethe properties of the KDC using observations from the MUSE Integral FieldSpectrograph to map out the kinematics in the central arcminute of NGC 1407.Velocity and kinemetry maps of the galaxy reveal a twist of $\sim$148 degree inthe central $10$ arcseconds of the galaxy, and the higher-order moments of thekinematics reveal that within the same region, this slowly-rotating galaxydisplays no net rotation. Analysis of the stellar populations across the galaxyfound no evidence of younger stellar populations in the region of the KDC,instead finding uniform age and super-solar $\alpha$-enhancement across thegalaxy, and a smoothly decreasing metallicity gradient with radius. Wetherefore conclude that NGC 1407 contains a triaxial, kiloparsec-scale KDC withdistinct kinematics relative to the rest of the galaxy, and which is likely tohave formed through either a major merger or a series of minor mergers early inthe lifetime of the galaxy. With a radius of $\sim$5 arcseconds or $\sim0.6$kpc, NGC 1407 contains the smallest KDC mapped by MUSE to date in terms of bothits physical and angular size.