Семинар 172 – 30 ноября 2020 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2011.04677 MAGNUM survey: Compact jets causing large turmoil in galaxies -- Enhanced line widths perpendicular to radio jets as tracers of jet-ISM interaction

G. Venturi, G. Cresci, A. Marconi, M. Mingozzi, E. Nardini, S. Carniani, F. Mannucci, A. Marasco, R. Maiolino, M. Perna, E. Treister, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. Gallimore

Published 2020-11-09, 19 pages, 13 figures. Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press

Outflows accelerated by AGN are commonly observed in the form of coherent,mildly collimated high-velocity gas directed along the AGN ionisation cones andkinetically powerful (>$10^{44-45}$ erg/s) jets. Recent works found thatoutflows can also be accelerated by low-power (<$10^{44}$ erg/s) jets, and themost recent cosmological simulations indicate that these are the dominantsource of feedback on sub-kpc scales. We study the relation between radio jetsand the distribution and kinematics of the ionised gas in IC 5063, NGC 5643,NGC 1068, and NGC 1386 as part of our MAGNUM survey of nearby Seyfert galaxies.All these objects host a small-scale (<1 kpc) low-power (<$10^{44}$ erg/s)radio jet that has small inclinations (<45\deg) with respect to the galaxydisc. We employed seeing-limited optical integral field spectroscopicobservations from MUSE at VLT to obtain flux, kinematic, and excitation maps ofthe extended ionised gas, that we compared with archival radio images andChandra X-ray observations. We detect a strong (up to >800-1000 km/s), extended(>1 kpc) and shock-excited emission-line velocity spread perpendicular to theAGN ionisation cones and jets in all four targets. These broad and symmetricline profiles are not associated with a single coherent velocity of the gas,differently from the 'classical' asymmetric-line outflow observed along theionisation cones and jets. We interpret the observed phenomenon as due to theaction of the jets perturbing the gas in the galaxy disc. These intense andextended velocity spreads perpendicular to AGN jets and cones are indeedcurrently only observed in galaxies hosting a low-power jet whose inclinationis sufficiently low with respect to the galaxy disc to impact on and stronglyaffect its material. In line with cosmological simulations, our resultsdemonstrate that low-power jets are indeed capable of affecting the hostgalaxy.

Анатолий Засов


2011.11169 Properties of Galaxies in Cosmic Filaments around the Virgo Cluster

Youngdae Lee, Suk Kim, Soo-Chang Rey, Jiwon Chung

Published 2020-11-23, 13 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

We present the properties of galaxies in filaments around the Virgo clusterwith respect to their vertical distance from the filament spine using theNASA-Sloan Atlas catalog. The filaments are mainly composed of low-mass, bluedwarf galaxies. We observe that the g - r color of galaxies becomes blue andstellar mass decreases with increasing vertical filament distance. The galaxieswere divided into higher-mass (log h^2M_* > 8) and lower-mass (log h^2M_* < 8)subsamples. We also examine the g - r color, stellar mass, Halpha equivalentwidth (EW(Halpha)), near-ultraviolet (NUV) - r color, and HI fractiondistributions of the two subsamples against the vertical distance. Thelower-mass galaxies exhibit a negative g - r color gradient, whereashigher-mass galaxies have a flat g - r color distribution. We observe anegative EW(Halpha) gradient for higher-mass galaxies, whereas lower-massgalaxies show no distinct EW(Halpha) variation. In contrast, the NUV - r colordistribution of higher-mass galaxies shows no strong trend, whereas thelower-mass galaxies show a negative NUV - r color gradient. We do not witnessclear gradients of HI fraction in either the higher- or lower-mass subsamples.We propose that the negative color and stellar mass gradients of galaxies canbe explained by mass assembly from past galaxy mergers at different verticalfilament distances. In addition, galaxy interactions might be responsible forthe contrasting features of EW(Halpha) and NUV - r color distributions betweenthe higher- and lower-mass subsamples. The HI fraction distributions of the twosubsamples suggest that ram-pressure stripping and gas accretion could beignorable processes in the Virgo filaments.

Ольга Сильченко


2011.11629 Bulge formation through disc instability -- I

Timothée Devergne, Andrea Cattaneo, Frédéric Bournaud, Ioanna Koutsouridou, Audrey Winter, Paola Dimauro, Gary A. Mamon, William Wacher, Margot Varin

Published 2020-11-23, 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We use simulations to study the growth of a pseudobulge in an isolated thinexponential stellar disc embedded in a static spherical halo. We observe atransition from later to earlier morphological types and an increase in barprominence for higher disc-to-halo mass ratios, for lower disc-to-halo sizeratios, and for lower halo concentrations. We compute bulge-to-total stellarmass ratios $B/T$ by fitting a two-component S\'ersic-exponentialsurface-density distribution. The final $B/T$ is strongly related to the disc'sfractional contribution $f_{\rm d}$ to the total gravitational acceleration atthe optical radius. The formula $B/T=0.5\,f_{\rm }^{1.8}$ fits the simulationsto an accuracy of $30\%$, is consistent with observational measurements of B/Tand f_d as a function of luminosity, and reproduces the observed relationbetween $B/T$ and stellar mass when incorporated into the GalICS~2.0semi-analytic model of galaxy formation.