Семинар 199 – 14 октября 2021 г.

Анатолий Засов


2110.06224 A detailed study of the bridge of excess X-ray emission between the galaxy clusters Abell 2029 and Abell 2033

M. S. Mirakhor, S. A. Walker, J. Runge

Published 2021-10-12, 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We examine Suzaku, XMM-Newton, and Chandra observations of the Abell2029/2033 system to investigate the nature of a bridge of X-ray emissionjoining the two galaxy clusters. By modelling the contributions from theoutskirts of the two clusters, and excluding the emission from the southerninfalling group and the background group LOS9, we find a significant excess ofX-ray emission between the two clusters at the level of 6.5-7.0$\sigma$,depending on the choice of model, that cannot be explained by the overlap ofthe clusters. This excess component to the surface brightness is consistentwith being emission from a filament with roughly 1.0 Mpc wide. The derivedemission measure for the gas associated with the filament yields an average gasdensity of $3.7^{+1.0}_{-0.7} \times 10^{-5}$ cm$^{-3}$, corresponding roughlyto 160 times the mean baryon density of the Universe. The Suzaku X-ray spectrumof the excess emission indicates that it is significantly colder($1.4_{-0.5}^{+0.7}$ keV) than the cluster outskirts emission from the twoclusters ($\sim$ 5 keV), statistically consistent with the temperature expectedfrom the hottest and densest parts of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM).The geometry, density, and temperature are similar to those found from X-raystudies of the Abell 222/223 filament.

Дмитрий Макаров


2110.01690 Simultaneous Constraints on the Star Formation History and Nucleosynthesis of Sculptor dSph

Mithi A. C. de los Reyes, Evan N. Kirby, Alexander P. Ji, Evan H. Nuñez

Published 2021-10-04, 25 pages including appendix and references; submitted to ApJ; comments welcome!

We demonstrate that using up to seven stellar abundance ratios can placeobservational constraints on the star formation histories (SFHs) of Local GroupdSphs, using the Sculptor dSph as a test case. We use a one-zone chemicalevolution model to fit the overall abundance patterns of $\alpha$ elements(which probe the core-collapse supernovae that occur shortly after starformation), $s$-process elements (which probe AGB nucleosynthesis atintermediate delay times), and iron-peak elements (which probe delayed Type Iasupernovae). Our best-fit model indicates that Sculptor dSph has an ancientSFH, consistent with previous estimates from deep photometry. However, wederive a total star formation duration of $\sim0.9$ Gyr, which is shorter thanphotometrically-derived SFHs. We explore the effect of various modelassumptions on our measurement and find that modifications to these assumptionsstill produce relatively short SFHs of duration $\lesssim1.4$ Gyr. Our model isalso able to compare sets of predicted nucleosynthetic yields for supernovaeand AGB stars, and can provide insight into the nucleosynthesis of individualelements in Sculptor dSph. We find that observed [Mn/Fe] and [Ni/Fe] trends aremost consistent with sub-$M_{\mathrm{Ch}}$ Type Ia supernova models, and that acombination of "prompt" (delay times similar to core-collapse supernovae) and"delayed" (minimum delay times $\gtrsim50$ Myr) $r$-process events may berequired to reproduce observed [Ba/Mg] and [Eu/Mg] trends.

Ольга Сильченко


2110.00408 The origin of star-gas misalignments in simulated galaxies

Catalina I. Casanueva, Claudia del P. Lagos, Nelson D. Padilla, Thomas A. Davison

Published 2021-10-01,

We study the origin of misalignments between the stellar and star-forming gascomponents of simulated galaxies in the EAGLE simulations. We focus on galaxieswith stellar masses $\geq 10^9$ M$_\odot$ at 0$\leq$z$\leq$1. We compare thefrequency of misalignments with observational results from the SAMI survey andfind that overall, EAGLE can reproduce the incidence of misalignments in thefield and clusters, as well as the dependence on stellar mass and opticalcolour within the uncertainties. We study the dependence on kinematicmisalignments with internal galaxy properties and different processes relatedto galaxy mergers and sudden changes in stellar and star-forming gas mass. Wefound that despite the environment being relevant in setting the conditions tomisalign the star-forming gas, the internal galaxy properties play a crucialrole in determining whether the gas quickly aligns with the stellar componentor not. Hence, galaxies that are more triaxial and more dispersion dominateddisplay more misalignments because they are inefficient at realigning thestar-forming gas towards the stellar angular momentum vector.