Семинар 214 – 31 марта 2022 г.

Анатолий Засов


2203.14283 Star-forming S0 Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: fading spirals or rejuvenated S0s?

Himansh Rathore, Kavin Kumar, Preetish K. Mishra, Yogesh Wadadekar, Omkar Bait

Published 2022-03-27, 17 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRAS

We investigate the origin of rare star-formation in an otherwise red-and-deadpopulation of S0 galaxies using spatially resolved spectroscopy. Our sampleconsists of $120$ low redshift ($z<0.1$) star-forming S0 (SF-S0) galaxies fromthe SDSS-IV MaNGA DR15. We have selected this sample after a visual inspectionof deep images from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR9 and the Subaru/HSC-SSPsurvey PDR3, to remove contamination from spiral galaxies. We also constructtwo control samples of star-forming spirals (SF-Sps) and quenched S0s (Q-S0s)to explore their evolutionary link with the star-forming S0s. To studystar-formation at resolved scales, we use dust-corrected $H_\alpha$ luminosityand stellar density ($\Sigma_\star$) maps to construct radial profiles ofstar-formation rate (SFR) surface density ($\Sigma_{SFR}$) and specific SFR(sSFR). Examining these radial profiles, we find that star-formation in SF-S0sis centrally dominated as opposed to disc dominated star-formation in spirals.We also compared various global (size-mass relation, bulge-to-total luminosityratio) and local (central stellar velocity dispersion) properties of SF-S0s tothose of the control sample galaxies. We find that SF-S0s are structurallysimilar to the quenched S0s and are different from star-forming spirals. Weinfer that SF-S0s are unlikely to be fading spirals. Inspecting stellar and gasvelocity maps, we find that more than $50\%$ of the SF-S0 sample shows signs ofrecent galaxy interactions such as kinematic misalignment, counter-rotation,and unsettled kinematics. Based on these results, we conclude that in oursample of SF-S0s, star-formation has been rejuvenated, with minor mergerslikely to be a major driver.

Ольга Сильченко


2203.14200 The XXL Survey XLV. Linking the ages of optically selected groups to their X-ray emission

J. P. Crossett, S. L. McGee, T. J. Ponman, M. E. Ramos-Ceja, M. J. I. Brown, B. J. Maughan, A. S. G. Robotham, J. P. Willis, C. Wood, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, S. P. Driver, B. W. Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, J. Loveday, M. S. Owers, S. Phillipps, M. Pierre, K. A. Pimbblet

Published 2022-03-27, Accepted for Publication in A&A. 18 pages, 17 figures

We investigate the properties of 232 optical spectroscopically selectedgroups from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey that overlap the XXLX-ray cluster survey. X-ray aperture flux measurements combined with GAMA groupdata provides the largest available sample of optical groups with detailedgalaxy membership information and consistently measured X-ray fluxes and upperlimits. 142 of these groups are divided into three subsets based on therelative strength of X-ray and optical emission, and we see a trend in galaxyproperties between these subsets: X-ray overluminous groups contain a lowerfraction of both blue and star forming galaxies compared with X-rayunderluminous systems. X-ray overluminous groups also have a more dominantcentral galaxy, with a magnitude gap between first and second ranked galaxieson average 0.22 mag larger than in underluminous groups. The central galaxy inoverluminous groups also lies closer to the centre of the group. We examine anumber of other structural properties of our groups, such as axis ratio,velocity dispersion, and group crossing time and find trends with X-rayemission in some of these properties despite the high stochastic noise from thelimited number of group galaxies. We attribute the trends we see to theevolutionary state of groups, with X-ray overluminous systems being moredynamically evolved than underluminous groups. The X-ray overluminous groupshave had more time to develop a luminous intragroup medium, quench membergalaxies, and build the mass of the central galaxy through mergers compared tounderluminous groups. However, a minority of X-ray underluminous groups haveproperties that suggest them to be dynamically mature. The lack of hot gas inthese systems cannot be accounted for by high star formation efficiency,suggesting that high gas entropy resulting from feedback is the likely cause oftheir weak X-ray emission.

2203.15621 Impact of COVID-19 on Astronomy: Two Years In

Vanessa Böhm, Jia Liu

Published 2022-03-29, 13 pages, 7 figures

We study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on astronomy using publicrecords of astronomical publications. We show that COVID-19 has had bothpositive and negative impacts on research in astronomy. We find that theoverall output of the field, measured by the yearly paper count, has increased.This is mainly driven by boosted individual productivity seen across mostcountries, possibly the result of cultural and technological changes in thescientific community during COVID. However, a decreasing number of incoming newresearchers is seen in most of the countries we studied, indicating largerbarriers for new researchers to enter the field or for junior researchers tocomplete their first project during COVID. Unfortunately, the overallimprovement in productivity seen in the field is not equally shared by femaleastronomers. By fraction, fewer papers are written by women and fewer women areamong incoming new researchers in most countries. Even though femaleastronomers also became more productive during COVID, the level of improvementis smaller than for men. Pre-COVID, female astronomers in the Netherlands,Australia, Switzerland were equally as or even more productive than their malecolleagues. During COVID, no single country's female astronomers were able tobe more productive than their male colleagues on average.