Семинар 219 – 18 мая 2022 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2203.16584 The GMRT archive atomic gas survey -- I. Survey definition, methodology, and initial results from the pilot sample

Prerana Biswas, Narendra Nath Patra, Nirupam Roy, Md. Rashid

Published 2022-03-30, 18 pages, 9+1 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Interferometric observations of HI in galaxies played a pivotal role instudies of nearby galaxies. Compared to single-dish observation, it providesresolved distribution of gas in galaxies with unprecedented resolution. Severalextensive HI surveys of nearby galaxies have been performed in the past;however, most of them consist of less than 100 galaxies due to individualefforts. On the other hand, present-day archives of the radio telescopesinclude data for at least several hundred galaxies. To utilize these data setsto their full potential, we construct a sample including all galaxies observedby the Giant Meter wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in HI. This results in a totalof 515 galaxies, the largest sample to date. We intend to analyze all the datauniformly and carry out different exciting science. As a pilot project, weanalyze data from 11 galaxies and present the data products in this paper. Wefurther investigate the neutral ISM in these galaxies and extract cold and warmphases using a multi-Gaussian decomposition method. This pilot project assuresthe quality of the data, which will enable us to perform critical scienceinvestigations using the full sample.

Ольга Сильченко


2205.04215 Coplanar gas inflow can be hidden within warped galactic gas disks

Enci Wang, Simon J. Lilly

Published 2022-05-09, 18 pages, 12 figures, submitted to AAS

Simulations suggest that galactic gas disks can be treated as "modifiedaccretion disks", in which coplanar gas spirals into the inner regions of thedisk, while being consumed by star-formation and removed by outflows.Observationally there is little evidence for such inflows within the outerdisks of galaxies. Taking realistic gas surface densities from observations,the radial velocity of the inflow is only a few km s$^{-1}$ within twoscalelengths, but gradually increases with radius to of order 50-100 kms$^{-1}$ at the very outer disk. The effects of this inflow on the 2-d velocityfield are examined and shown to be broadly similar to those produced by warpeddisks, with twist distortions of both the kinematic major and minor axes. Byexamining the twists of kinematic distortions and the spiral arms for a sampleof nearby galaxies, we find that the effect of warps are likely to dominateover the effect of radial inflows. However, we then model mock HI velocityfields that combine warps with inflow velocities of the strength required inthe modified accretion disks, and show that these composite systems canactually also be very well matched by pure warped disk models, with $\sim$85\%of the mock galaxies having a mean absolute error in the residuals of less than10 km s$^{-1}$. This suggests that the signatures of significant radial inflowscan easily be "hidden" within the warps and that this may therefore explain theapparent failure to detect radial inflows in galactic disks.