Семинар 222 – 15 июня 2022 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2206.06378 Relic jet activity in "Hanny's Voorwerp" revealed by the LOFAR Two metre Sky Survey

D. J. B. Smith, M. G. Krause, M. J. Hardcastle, A. B. Drake

Published 2022-06-13, 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We report new observations of "Hanny's Voorwerp" (hereafter HV) taken fromthe second data release of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS). HV is ahighly-ionised region in the environs of the galaxy IC2497, first discovered bythe Galaxy Zoo project. The new 150MHz observations are considered in thecontext of existing multi-frequency radio data and archival narrow-band imagingfrom the Hubble Space Telescope, centred on the [Oiii] emission line. Thecombined sensitivity and spatial resolution of the LoTSS data -- which farexceed what was previously available at radio frequencies -- reveal clearevidence for large-scale extended emission emanating from the nucleus ofIC2497. The radio jet appears to have punched a hole in the neutral gas halo,in a region co-located with HV. The new 150MHz data, alongside newly-processedarchival 1.64GHz eVLA data, reveal that the extended emission has a steepspectrum, implying an age $>10^8$yr. The jet supplying the extended 150MHzstructure must have "turned off" long before the change in X-ray luminosityreported in recent works. In this picture, a combination of jet activity andthe influence of the radiatively efficient active galactic nucleus areresponsible for the unusual appearance of HV.

Ольга Сильченко


2206.0521 Circular designs for total effects under interference models

Xiangshun Kong, Xueru Zhang, Wei Zheng

Published 2022-06-01,

This paper studies circular designs for interference models, where atreatment assigned to a plot also affects its neighboring plots within a block.For the purpose of estimating total effects, the circular neighbor balanceddesign was shown to be universally optimal among designs which do not allowtreatments to be neighbors of themselves. Our study shows that self-neighboringblock sequences are actually the main ingredient for an optimal design. Here,we adopt the approximate design framework and study optimal designs in thewhole design space. Our approach is flexible enough to accommodate all possibledesign parameters, that is the block size and the number of blocks andtreatments. This approach can be broken down into two main steps: theidentification of the minimal supporting set of block sequences and theoptimality condition built on it. The former is critical for reducing thecomputational time from almost infinity to seconds. Meanwhile, the task offinding the minimal set is normally achieved through numerical methods, whichcan only handle small block sizes. Our approach is of a hybrid nature in orderto deal with all design sizes. When block size is not large, we provideexplicit expressions of the minimal set instead of relying on numericalmethods. For larger block sizes when a typical numerical method would fail, wetheoretically derived a reasonable size intermediate set of sequences, fromwhich the minimal set can be quickly derived through a customized algorithm.Taking it further, the optimality conditions allow us to obtain both symmetricand asymmetric designs. Lastly, we also investigate the trade-off issue betweencircular and noncircular designs, and provide guidelines on the choices.