Семинар 238 – 15 марта 2023 г.

Анатолий Засов


2303.0417 Gauged $U(1)_X$ breaking as origin of neutrino masses, dark matter and leptogenesis at TeV scale

Toshinori Matsui, Takaaki Nomura, Kei Yagyu

Published 2023-03-01, 5 pages, 4 figures

We propose a new mechanism which simultaneously explains tiny neutrinomasses, stability of dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the Universe vialeptogenesis due to the common origin: a spontaneous breaking of a $U(1)_X$gauge symmetry at TeV scale. The $U(1)_X$ breaking provides small Majoranamasses of vector-like leptons which generate small mass differences among them,and enhance their CP-violating decays via the resonant effect. SuchCP-violation and lepton number violation turns out to be a sufficient amount ofthe observed baryon asymmetry through leptogenesis. The Majorana masses fromthe $U(1)_X$ breaking also induce radiative generation of masses for activeneutrinos at one-loop level. Furthermore, a $Z_2$ symmetry appears as a remnantof the $U(1)_X$ breaking, which guarantees the stability of dark matter. Weconstruct a simple renormalizable model to realize the above mechanism, andshow some benchmark points which can explain observed neutrino oscillations andthe baryon asymmetry at the same time.

Иван Герасимов


2303.04790 Reconciling astronomical distance scales with variable red giant stars

Richard I. Anderson, Nolan W. Koblischke, Laurent Eyer

Published 2023-03-08, Submitted to Nature. 18 pages plus references, 5 figures. Comments welcome!

Stellar standard candles provide the absolute calibration for measuring theUniverse's local expansion rate, H0, which differs by ~8% from the valueinferred using the Cosmic Microwave Background assuming the concordancecosmological model, LambdaCDM. This Hubble tension indicates a need forimportant revisions of fundamental physics. However, the accuracy of the H0measurement based on classical Cepheids has been challenged by a measurementbased on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) method. A resolution of theCepheids vs. TRGB dispute is needed to demonstrate well understood systematicsand to corroborate the need for new physics. Here, we present an unprecedented1.39% absolute calibration of the TRGB distance scale based on small-amplitudered giant stars (OSARGs). Our results improve by 20% upon previous calibrationsand are limited by the accuracy of the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud.This precision gain is enabled by the realization that virtually all stars atthe TRGB are variable - a fact not previously exploited for TRGB calibration.Using observations and extensive simulations, we demonstrate that OSARGs yieldintrinsically precise and accurate TRGB measurements thanks to the shape oftheir luminosity function. Inputting our calibration to the Carnegie ChicagoHubble Program's H0 analysis yields a value of H0 = 71.8 +/- 1.5 km/s/Mpc, in <1 sigma agreement with the Cepheids-based H0 value and in 2.8 sigma tensionwith the early-Universe value.

Ольга Сильченко


2303.00384 Misaligned gas accretion as a formation pathway of S0 galaxies

Yuren Zhou, Yanmei Chen, Yong Shi, Qiusheng Gu, Junfeng Wang, Dmitry Bizyaev

Published 2023-03-01, 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We select 753 S0 galaxies from the internal Product Lauch-10 of MaNGA survey(MPL-10) and find that $\sim$11% of S0 galaxies show gas-star kinematicmisalignments, which is higher than the misaligned fraction in spiral($\sim$1%) and elliptical galaxies ($\sim$6%) in MPL-10. If we only considerthe emission-line galaxies (401 emission-line S0s), the misaligned fraction inS0s increases to $\sim$20%. In S0s, the kinematic misalignments are more commonthan the merger remnant features ($\sim$8%). Misaligned S0s have lower massesof stellar components and dark matter halos than S0s with merger remnantfeatures. Based on the $NUV-r$ versus $M_*$ diagram, we split galaxies intothree populations: blue cloud (BC), green valley (GV) and red sequence, findingthat BC and GV misaligned S0s have positive $\mathrm{D}_n4000$ radial gradientswhich indicates younger stellar population in the central region than theoutskirts. Through comparing the misaligned S0s with a control sample for thewhole S0 galaxy sample, we find that the BC and GV misaligned S0s show youngerstellar population at $R\lesssim R_e$ and older population at $R\gtrsim R_e$than the control samples. Considering the high incidence of kinematicmisalignments in S0 galaxies and the properties of environments and stellarpopulations, we propose misaligned gas accretion as an important formationpathway for S0s.

2303.04827 Comments on flavor symmetry breaking and three-dimensional superconformal index

Ilmar Gahramanov

Published 2023-03-01, 12 pages

We investigate the superconformal index of a three-dimensional $SU(2)$${\mathcal N}=2$ supersymmetric QCD with $N_f=4$ flavors. This theory confineswith the breaking of a global symmetry. We obtain the index of this theory byintegrating out a flavor from the theory with $N_f=6$ flavors. Thesuperconformal index of the theory vanishes for generic values of the flavorfugacities. However, the specific choice of fugacities allows us to describethe flavor symmetry-breaking phenomenon.