Семинар 240 – 12 апреля 2023 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2304.03726 Active Massive Black Hole Found in the Young Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxy SBS 0335-052E

Shun Hatano, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Mitsuru Kokubo, Satoshi Kikuta, Nozomu Tominaga, Yi Xu, Kuria Watanabe, Yuichi Harikane, Yuki Isobe, Akinori Matsumoto, Moka Nishigaki, Yoshiaki Ono, Masato Onodera, Yuma Sugahara, Hiroya Umeda, Yechi Zhang

Published 2023-04-07, 32 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables

Since the late 20th century, young star-forming dwarf galaxies with extremelylow heavy-element abundances have been identified in the localuniverse\cite{1972ApJ...173...25S, 1990Natur.343..238I, 2022ApJS..262....3N}.Such a population of galaxies, represented by SBS 0335-052E, is intensivelystudied as a laboratory of galaxy formation, and interpreted as galaxies withhard emission and energetic outflows driven by massivestars\cite{1990Natur.343..238I, 2004ApJ...606..213T, 2009AA...503...61I}. Herewe report the temporal flux variability of SBS 0335-052E in $3-4 \ \mu$m bandson timescale of months to years with dimming and brightening up to 50\% over 12years. This is a clear signature of dust torus emission of an active massiveblack hole in SBS 0335-052E. The deep optical spectrum reveals a very broadcomponent with $1.24\ (\pm 0.01) \times 10^{4}$ km s$^{-1}$ in H$\alpha$emission, suggesting emission originated from broad line regions around themassive black hole. The black hole mass is estimated to be $\sim 100$ thousandsolar masses from the spectral energy distribution. This is the first exampleof the massive black hole existence in a long-considered young star-formingdwarf galaxy.