Семинар 249 – 6 октября 2023 г.

Анатолий Засов


2310.02352 The formation channels of multiphase gas in nearby early-type galaxies

Ryan Eskenasy, Valeria Olivares, Yuanyuan Su, Yuan Li

Published 2023-10-03, 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The processes responsible for the assembly of cold and warm gas in early-typegalaxies (ETGs) are not well-understood. We report on the multiwavelengthproperties of 15 non-central, nearby ($z \leq$ 0.00889) ETGs primarily throughMulti-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) and Chandra X-ray observations, toaddress the origin of their multiphase gas. The MUSE data reveals 8/15 sourcescontain warm ionized gas traced by the H$\alpha$ emission line. The morphologyof this gas is found to be filamentary in 3/8 sources: NGC 1266, NGC 4374, andNGC 4684 which is similar to that observed in many group and cluster-centeredgalaxies. All H$\alpha$ filamentary sources have X-ray luminosities exceedingthe expected emission from the stellar population, suggesting the presence ofdiffuse hot gas which likely cooled to form the cooler phases. The morphologyof the remaining 5/8 sources are rotating gas disks, not as commonly observedin higher mass systems. Chandra X-ray observations (when available) of the ETGswith rotating H$\alpha$ disks indicate that they are nearly void of hot gas. Amixture of stellar mass loss and external accretion was likely the dominantchannel for the cool gas in NGC 4526 and NGC 4710. These ETGs show fullkinematic alignment between their stars and gas, and are fast rotators. TheH$\alpha$ features within NGC 4191 (clumpy, potentially star-forming ring), NGC4643 and NGC 5507 (extended structures) along with loosely overlapping stellarand gas populations allow us to attribute external accretion to be the primaryformation channel of the cool gas in these systems.

Иван Герасимов


2310.01703 Spatially-Resolved Temperature and Density Structures of Nearby HII regions

Yifei Jin, Ralph Sutherland, Lisa Kewley, David Nicholls

Published 2023-10-02, 24 pages, 12 figures, 11 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Photoionization models frequently assume constant temperature or densitywithin HII regions. We investigate this assumption by measuring the detailedtemperature and density structures of four HII regions in the Large MagellanicCloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, using integral-field spectroscopic datafrom the Wide-Field Spectrograph on the ANU 2.3m telescope. We analyse thedistribution of emission-lines of low-ionization species,intermediate-ionization species and high-ionization species. We present thecomplex electron temperature and density structures within HII regions. Allfour nebulae present a negative gradient in the electron density profile. Bothpositive and negative temperature gradients are observed in the nebulae. Wecreate a series of nebula models with a constant ISM pressure and varyingtemperature and density distributions. Comparison of the line ratios betweenour HII regions and models suggests that none of the simple nebula models canreproduce the observed temperature and density structures. Comparison betweenthe models and the data suggests that the ISM pressure of nebulae in LMC andSMC is between log(P/k)=6-7.5. Complex internal structures of the nebulaehighlight the importance of future Monte-Carlo photoionization codes foraccurate nebula modeling, which include a comprehensive consideration ofarbitrary geometries of HII regions.