Семинар 259 – 22 февраля 2024 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2312.07334 Starburst-induced gas-stars kinematic misalignment

Elia Cenci, Robert Feldmann, Jindra Gensior, James S. Bullock, Jorge Moreno, Luigi Bassini, Mauro Bernardini

Published 2023-12-12, 9 pages; 3 figures; submitted to ApJ Letters

A kinematic misalignment of the stellar and gas components is a phenomenonobserved in a significant fraction of galaxies. However, the underlyingphysical mechanisms are not well understood. A commonly proposed scenario forthe formation of a misaligned component requires any pre-existing gas disc tobe removed, via fly-bys or ejective feedback from an active galactic nucleus.In this Letter, we study the evolution of a Milky Way mass galaxy in theFIREbox cosmological volume that displays a thin, counter-rotating gas discwith respect to its stellar component at low redshift. In contrast to scenariosinvolving gas ejection, we find that pre-existing gas is mainly removed via theconversion into stars in a central starburst, triggered by a merging satellitegalaxy. The newly-accreted, counter-rotating gas eventually settles into akinematically misaligned disc. About 4.4 (8 out of 182) of FIREbox galaxieswith stellar masses larger than 5e9 Msun at z=0 exhibit gas-star kinematicmisalignment. In all cases, we identify central starburst-driven depletion asthe main reason for the removal of the pre-existing co-rotating gas component,with no need for feedback from, e.g., a central active black hole. However,during the starburst, the gas is funneled towards the central regions, likelyenhancing black hole activity. By comparing the fraction of misaligned discsbetween FIREbox and other simulations and observations, we conclude that thischannel might have a non-negligible role in inducing kinematic misalignment ingalaxies.

Ольга Сильченко


2402.12016 A Distinct Radial Acceleration Relation across Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters

Yong Tian, Chung-Ming Ko, Pengfei Li, Stacy McGaugh, Shemile L. Poblete

Published 2024-02-19, 10 pages, 6 figures

Recent studies reveal a radial acceleration relation (RAR) in galaxies, whichillustrates a tight empirical correlation connecting the observationalacceleration and the baryonic acceleration with a characteristic accelerationscale. However, a distinct RAR has been revealed on BCG-cluster scales with aseventeen times larger acceleration scale by the gravitational lensing effect.In this work, we systematically explored the acceleration and mass correlationsbetween dynamical and baryonic components in 50 Brightest Cluster Galaxies(BCGs). To investigate the dynamical RAR in BCGs, we derived their dynamicalaccelerations from the stellar kinematics using the Jeans equation through Abelinversion and adopted the baryonic mass from the SDSS photometry. We exploredthe spatially resolved kinematic profiles with the largest integral fieldspectroscopy (IFS) data mounted by the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache PointObservatory (MaNGA) survey. Our results demonstrate that the dynamical RAR inBCGs is consistent with the lensing RAR on BCG-cluster scales as well as alarger acceleration scale. This finding may imply that BCGs and galaxy clustershave fundamental differences from field galaxies. We also find a masscorrelation, but it is less tight than the acceleration correlation.