Семинар 267 – 24 апреля 2024 г.

Ольга Сильченко


2404.11656 The impact of stellar bars on quenching star formation: insights from a spatially resolved analysis in the local Universe

Letizia Scaloni, Giulia Rodighiero, Andrea Enia, Carlotta Gruppioni, Francesca Annibali, Laura Bisigello, Paolo Cassata, Enrico Maria Corsini, Viviana Casasola, Cristina Maria Lofaro, Alessandro Bianchetti

Published 2024-04-17, 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Stellar bars are common morphological structures in the local Universe:according to optical and NIR surveys, they are present in about two-thirds ofdisc galaxies. These elongated structures are also believed to play a crucialrole in secular evolutionary processes, since they are able to efficientlyredistribute gas, stars and angular momentum within their hosts, although itremains unclear whether they enhance or suppress star formation. A useful toolto investigate such an ambiguity is the Main Sequence (MS) relation, whichtightly links stellar mass ($M_{\star}$) and star formation rate (SFR). Themain goal of this work is to explore star formation processes in barredgalaxies, in order to assess the relevance of possible bar quenching effects onthe typical log-linear trend of the resolved MS. To this purpose, we carry outa spatially resolved analysis on sub-kpc scales for a sample of six nearbybarred galaxies. Multi-wavelength photometric data (from far-UV to far-IR) arecollected from the DustPedia database and a panchromatic Spectral EnergyDistribution (SED) fitting procedure is applied on square apertures of fixedangular size (8" $\times$ 8"), making use of the magphys code. For each galaxywe obtain the distributions of stellar mass and star formation rate surfacedensities and relate them in the $\log \Sigma_{\star}$ - $\log \Sigma_{\rmSFR}$ plane deriving the spatially resolved MS relation. Although significantgalaxy-to-galaxy variations are in place, we infer the presence of a commonanti-correlation track in correspondence with the bar-hosting region, whichshows systematically lower values of SFR. Such a central quiescent signaturecan be interpreted as the result of a bar-driven depletion of gas reservoirsand a consequent halt of star formation. This seems to point in the directionof an inside-out quenching scenario.

2404.13045 NIRSpec View of the Appearance and Evolution of Balmer Breaks and the Transition from Bursty to Smooth Star Formation Histories from Deep Within the Epoch of Reionization to Cosmic Noon

Danial Langeroodi, Jens Hjorth

Published 2024-04-19, Comments Welcome! Submitted to ApJL

Theoretical models and observational evidence suggest that high-redshiftgalaxies grow under the bursty mode of star formation, with large temporal starformation rate (SFR) fluctuations around some mean value. From an observationalperspective, it has not been clear at which redshift and stellar populationcharacteristics the transition from bursty to smooth star formation occurs.Here, we investigate these using a uniformly reduced sample of NIRSpec prismspectra of 631 galaxies at $3 < z_{\rm spec} < 14$, stacked in 8 redshift and 8UV slope bins. We evaluate the burstiness of star formation histories using theBalmer break strengths as well as the ratios of SFRs as measured from theemission lines to those measured from the UV continua. The break strengthincreases monotonically from $z = 10$ to $z = 3$, and from $\beta_{\rm UV} =-3.0$ to $\beta_{\rm UV} = 0.0$. The break strength is tightly anti-correlatedwith specific SFR (sSFR), and in dusty galaxies, strongly correlated with dustattenuation. Based on the SFR ratios, we find that bursty star formationthrives in the highest redshift, bluest, and lowest stellar mass galaxies,which exhibit the highest sSFRs. The burstiness appears to plateau at $z > 6$,suggesting that we might be observing the peak of star formation burstiness atthese redshifts. The $z < 4$ galaxies do not appear particularly bursty,suggesting that the smooth mode of star formation starts taking over rightbefore cosmic noon. As galaxies mature and develop redder UV colors and morepronounced Balmer breaks, their ability to sustain star formation over longertimescales increases, signalling their transition from bursty to smooth starformation.