Семинар 66 – 10 апреля 2017 г.

Доклад: Определение дисперсии скоростей звезд для уточнения Mbh-sigma зависимости по данным MUSE и ATALAS3D

Ирина Смирнова-Пинчукова

Доклад о работе, выполненной в рамках стажировки в AIP.


Доклад: Излучение HeII по данным CALIFA

Григорий Смирнов-Пинчуков

Доклад о работе, выполненной в рамках стажировки в AIP.


Ольга Сильченко


1703.10782 Do AGN outflows quench or enhance star formation?

Kastytis Zubovas, Martin A. Bourne

Published 2017-03-31, 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (v2: minor updates to references and acknowledgments)

AGN outflows can remove large quantities of gas from their host galaxyspheroids, potentially shutting off star formation. On the other hand, they cancompress this gas, potentially enhancing or triggering star formation, at leastfor short periods. We present a set of idealised simulations of AGN outflowsaffecting turbulent gas spheres, and investigate the effect of the outflow andthe AGN radiation field upon gas fragmentation. We show that AGN outflows ofsufficient luminosity shut off fragmentation while the nucleus is active, butgas compression results in a burst of fragmentation after the AGN switches off.Self-shielding of gas against the AGN radiation field allows some fragmentationto occur during outbursts, but too much shielding results in a lower overallfragmentation rate. For our idealised simulation setup, there is a critical AGNluminosity which results in the highest fragmentation rate, with outflows beingtoo efficient at removing gas when $L > L_{\rm crit}$ and not efficient enoughto compress the gas to high densities otherwise. These results, althoughpreliminary, suggest that the interaction between AGN and star formation intheir host galaxies is particularly complex and requires careful study in orderto interpret observations correctly.

Алаверды к дискуссии о подавлении звездообразования в массивных галактиках активным ядром. В определенном интервале светимостей ядра - примерно половина эддингтоновской для черной дыры с массой $10^9$ $M_\odot$ - в момент включения ядра звездообразование останавливается, но через 3-4 млн лет после ВЫКЛЮЧЕНИЯ активного ядра возобновляется более интенсивно, чем раньше.

1704.00824 Molecular Gas Dominated 50 kpc Ram Pressure Stripped Tail of the Coma Galaxy D100

Pavel Jachym, Ming Sun, Jeffrey D. P. Kenney, Luca Cortese, Francoise Combes, Masafumi Yagi, Michitoshi Yoshida, Jan Palous, Elke Roediger

Published 2017-04-03, Accepted for publication to ApJ

We have discovered large amounts of molecular gas, as traced by CO emission,in the ram pressure stripped gas tail of the Coma cluster galaxy D100 (GMP2910), out to large distances of about 50 kpc. D100 has a 60 kpc long,strikingly narrow tail which is bright in X-rays and H{\alpha}. Ourobservations with the IRAM 30m telescope reveal in total ~ 10^9 M_sun of H_2(assuming the standard CO-to-H_2 conversion) in several regions along the tail,thus indicating that molecular gas may dominate its mass. Along the tail wemeasure a smooth gradient in the radial velocity of the CO emission that isoffset to lower values from the more diffuse H{\alpha} gas velocities. Such adynamic separation of phases may be due to their differential acceleration byram pressure. D100 is likely being stripped at a high orbital velocity >2200km/s by (nearly) peak ram pressure. Combined effects of ICM viscosity andmagnetic fields may be important for the evolution of the stripped ISM. Wepropose D100 has reached a continuous mode of stripping of dense gas remainingin its nuclear region. D100 is the second known case of an abundant molecularstripped-gas tail, suggesting that conditions in the ICM at the centers ofgalaxy clusters may be favorable for molecularization. From comparison withother galaxies, we find there is a good correlation between the CO flux and theH{\alpha} surface brightness in ram pressure stripped gas tails, over about 2dex.

Еще одно алаверды. В длинном (50 кпк) узком хвосте спиральной галактики в скоплении Coma нашли миллиард солнечных масс молекулярного газа. Считают, что это лобовое давление добралось до центральной области галактики.

1704.00733 Dust attenuation, bulge formation and inside-out cessation of star-formation in Star-Forming Main Sequence galaxies at z~2

S. Tacchella, C. M. Carollo, N. M. Forster Schreiber, A. Renzini, A. Dekel, R. Genzel, P. Lang, S. J. Lilly, C. Mancini, M. Onodera, L. J. Tacconi, S. Wuyts, G. Zamorani

Published 2017-04-03, 25 pages, 14 figures (incl. appendix); resubmitted to ApJ; comments welcome

We derive two-dimensional dust attenuation maps at $\sim1~\mathrm{kpc}$resolution from the UV continuum for 10 galaxies on the $z\sim2$ Star-FormingMain Sequence (SFMS). Comparison with IR data shows that 9 out of 10 galaxieshave no further obscuration in addition to the UV-based correction. Theindividual rest-frame $V$-band dust attenuation (A$_{\rm V}$) radial profilesscatter around an average profile that gently decreases from $\sim1.8$ mag inthe center down to $\sim0.6$ mag at $\sim3-4$ half-mass radii. We use theseA$_{\rm V}$ maps to correct UV- and H$\alpha$-based star-formation rates(SFRs), which agree with each other. At masses $\leq10^{11}~M_{\odot}$, thespecific SFR (sSFR) profiles are on average radially constant at amass-doubling timescale of $\sim300~\mathrm{Myr}$, pointing at a synchronousgrowth of bulge and disk components in such galaxies. At masses$\geq10^{11}~M_{\odot}$, the dust-corrected sSFR profiles are typicallycentrally-suppressed by a factor of $\sim10$ relative to the galaxy outskirts.With total central obscuration disfavored, this indicates that at least afraction of massive $z\sim2$ SFMS galaxies have started inside-out theirstar-formation quenching that will move them to the quenched sequence; thisalso highlights the key role of progenitor bias effects in the observedevolution of the quenched population. Galaxies above and below the ridge of theSFMS relation have respectively centrally-enhanced and centrally-suppressedsSFRs relative to their outskirts, supporting a picture where bulges are builtdue to gas `compaction' that leads to a high central SFR as galaxies movetowards the upper envelope of SFMS.

А это уже к вопросу о глобальной эволюции галактик. Для 10 галактик со звездообразованием на z~2 с адаптивной оптикой построили радиальные профили специфических темпов звездообразования. В тех галактиках, что поменьше, они плоские - балджи и диски растут синхронно. В самых массивных галактиках в центре завал - quenching inside-out?

1704.01169 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: mass as the driver of the kinematic morphology - density relation in clusters

Sarah Brough, Jesse van de Sande, Matt S. Owers, Francesco d'Eugenio, Rob Sharp, Luca Cortese, Nicholas Scott, Scott M. Croom, Rob Bassett, Kenji Bekki, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Julia J. Bryant, Roger Davies, Michael J. Drinkwater, Simon P. Driver, Caroline Foster, Gregory Goldstein, A. R. Lopez-Sanchez, Anne M. Medling, Sarah M. Sweet, Dan S. Taranu, Chiara Tonini, Sukyoung K. Yi, Michael Goodwin, J. S. Lawrence, Samuel N. Richards

Published 2017-04-04, Accepted by ApJ 15 June 2017

We examine the kinematic morphology of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in eightgalaxy clusters in the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph(SAMI) Galaxy Survey. The clusters cover a mass range of14.2<log(M_200/M_odot)<15.2 and we measure spatially-resolved stellarkinematics for 315 member galaxies with stellar masses10.0<log(M_*/M_odot)<11.7 within 1R_200 of the cluster centers. We calculatethe spin parameter, lambda_R and use that to classify the kinematic morphologyof the galaxies as fast or slow rotators. The total fraction of slow rotatorsin the early-type galaxy population, F_SR=0.14+/-0.02 and does not depend onhost cluster mass. Across the eight clusters, the fraction of slow rotatorsincreases with increasing local overdensity. We also find that the slow-rotatorfraction increases at small clustercentric radii (R_cl<0.3R_200), and note thatthere is also an increase in slow-rotator fraction at R_cl~0.6R_200. The slowrotators at these larger radii reside in cluster substructure. We find thestrongest increase in slow-rotator fraction occurs with increasing stellarmass. After accounting for the strong correlation with stellar mass, we find nosignificant relationship between spin parameter and local overdensity in thecluster environment. We conclude that the primary driver for the kinematicmorphology--density relationship in galaxy clusters is the changingdistribution of galaxy stellar mass with local environment. The presence ofslow rotators in substructure suggests that the cluster kinematicmorphology--density relationship is a result of mass segregation ofslow-rotating galaxies forming in groups that later merge with clusters andsink to the cluster center via dynamical friction.

Первые результаты панорамного спектрального обзора SAMI. Кинематическая классификация 300 галактик в 8 скоплениях. Доля медленных ротаторов зависит только от массы индивидуальных галактик! В центрах скоплений их много из-за сегрегации галактик по массам: массивные галактики из-за динамического трения оседают в центры скоплений. А вот формирование типа галактики происходит РАНЬШЕ, до собирания их в скопления.