Семинар 98 – 19 апреля 2018 г.

Доклад: NGC 4513: аккреционное кольцо высокометалличного газа вокруг линзовидной галактики пониженной металличности

Ирина Прошина


Анатолий Засов


1804.05820 GHASP: an H$α$ kinematical survey of spiral galaxies - XI. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using WISE photometry

Marie Korsaga, Claude Carignan, Philippe Amram, Benoit Epinat, Tom Jarrett

Published 2018-04-16, 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS. Online data are found on the journal website

We present the mass distribution of a sample of 121 nearby galaxies with highquality optical velocity fields and available infra-red $\it{WISE}$ 3.4 $\mu$mdata. Contrary to previous studies, this sample covers all morphological typesand is not biased toward late-type galaxies. These galaxies are part of theFabry-Perot kinematical $\it{GHASP}$ survey of spirals and irregular nearbygalaxies. Combining the kinematical data to the $\it{WISE}$ surface brightnessdata probing the emission from the old stellar population, we derive massmodels allowing us to compare the luminous to the dark matter halo massdistribution in the optical regions of those galaxies. Dark matter (DM) modelsare constructed using the isothermal core profile and the Navarro-Frenk-Whitecuspy profile. We allow the M/L of the baryonic disc to vary or we keep itfixed, constrained by stellar evolutionary models (WISE W$_1$-W$_2$ color) andwe carry out best fit (BFM) and pseudo-isothermal maximum disc (MDM) models. Wefound that the MDM provides M/L values four times higher than the BFM,suggesting that disc components, on average, tend to be maximal. The mainresults are: (i) the rotation curves of most galaxies are better fitted withcore rather than cuspy profiles; (ii) the relation between the parameters ofthe DM and of the luminous matter components mostly depends on morphologicaltypes. More precisely, the distribution of the DM inside galaxies depends onwhether or not the galaxy has a bulge.

Иван Катков

1804.04136 Current velocity data on dwarf galaxy NGC1052-DF2 do not constrain it to lack dark matter

Nicolas F. Martin, Michelle L. M. Collins, Nicolas Longeard, Erik Tollerud

Published 2018-04-11, 5 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to ApJL

It was recently proposed that the globular cluster system of the very lowsurface-brightness galaxy NGC1052-DF2 is dynamically very cold, leading to theconclusion that this dwarf galaxy has little or no dark matter. Here, we showthat a robust statistical measure of the velocity dispersion of the tracerglobular clusters implies a mundane velocity dispersion and a poorlyconstrained mass-to-light ratio. Models that include the possibility that someof the tracers are field contaminants do not yield a more constraininginference. We derive only a weak constraint on the mass-to-light ratio of thesystem within the half-light radius or within the radius of the furthest tracer(M/L_V<8.1 at the 90-percent confidence level). Typical mass-to-light ratiosmeasured for dwarf galaxies of the same stellar mass as NGC1052-DF2 are wellwithin this limit. With this study, we emphasize the need to properly accountfor measurement uncertainties and to stay as close as possible to the data whendetermining dynamical masses from very small data sets of tracers.

1804.06795 The Fornax3D project: overall goals, galaxy sample, MUSE data analysis and initial results

M. Sarzi, E. Iodice, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. Falcón-Barroso, D. A. Gadotti, M. Lyubenova, R. M. McDermid, G. van de Ven, K. Fahrion, A. Pizzella, L. Zhu

Published 2018-04-18, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. An high resolution version is available at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bext14c5udhln8n/F3D_paper.pdf?dl=0

The Fornax cluster provides a uniquely compact laboratory to study thedetailed history of early-type galaxies and the role played by environment indriving their evolution and their transformation from late-type galaxies. Usingthe superb capabilities of the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer on the VeryLarge Telescope, high-quality integral-field spectroscopic data were obtainedfor the inner regions of all the bright ($m_B\leq15$) galaxies within thevirial radius of Fornax. The stellar haloes of early-type galaxies are alsocovered out to about four effective radii. State-of-the-art stellar dynamicaland population modelling allows to aim in particular at better characterisingthe disc components of fast-rotating early-type galaxies, constraining radialvariations in the stellar initial-mass functions and measuring the stellar age,metallicity, and $\alpha$-element abundance of stellar haloes in clustergalaxies. This paper describes the sample selection, observations, and overallgoals of the survey, and provides initial results based on the spectroscopicdata, including the detailed characterisation of stellar kinematics andpopulations to large radii; decomposition of galaxy components directly viatheir orbital structure; the ability to identify globular clusters andplanetary nebulae, and derivation of high-quality emission-line diagnostics inthe presence of complex ionised gas.

Ольга Сильченко


1804.05853 The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Molecular and Ionized Gas Kinematics in Nearby Galaxies

Rebecca C. Levy, Alberto D. Bolatto, Peter Teuben, Sebastián F. Sánchez, Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros, Leo Blitz, Dario Colombo, Rubén García-Benito, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, Bernd Husemann, Veselina Kalinova, Tian Lan, Gigi Y. C. Leung, Damián Mast, Dyas Utomo, Glenn van de Ven, Stuart N. Vogel, Tony Wong

Published 2018-04-16, 37 pages, 18 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present a comparative study of molecular and ionized gas kinematics innearby galaxies. These results are based on observations from the EDGE survey,which measured spatially resolved $^{12}$CO(J=1-0) in 126 nearby galaxies.Every galaxy in EDGE has corresponding resolved ionized gas measurements fromCALIFA. Using a sub-sample of 17 rotation dominated, star-forming galaxieswhere precise molecular gas rotation curves could be extracted, we derive COand H$\alpha$ rotation curves using the same geometric parameters out to$\gtrsim$1 $R_e$. We find that $\sim$75% of our sample galaxies have smallerionized gas rotation velocities than the molecular gas in the outer part of therotation curve. In no case is the molecular gas rotation velocity measurablylower than that of the ionized gas. We suggest that the lower ionized gasrotation velocity can be attributed to a significant contribution fromextraplanar diffuse ionized gas in a thick, turbulence supported disk. Usingobservations of the H$\gamma$ transition also available from CALIFA, we measureionized gas velocity dispersions and find that these galaxies have sufficientlylarge velocity dispersions to support a thick ionized gas disk. Kinematicsimulations show that a thick disk with a vertical rotation velocity gradientcan reproduce the observed differences between the CO and H$\alpha$ rotationvelocities. Observed line ratios tracing diffuse ionized gas are elevatedcompared to typical values in the midplane of the Milky Way. In galaxiesaffected by this phenomenon, dynamical masses measured using ionized gasrotation curves will be systematically underestimated.

1804.04470 Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Variation in Galaxy Structure Across the Green Valley

Lee S. Kelvin, Malcolm N. Bremer, Steven Phillipps, Philip A. James, Luke J. M. Davies, Roberto De Propris, Amanda J. Moffett, Susan M. Percival, Ivan K. Baldry, Chris A. Collins, Mehmet Alpaslan, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Sarah Brough, Michelle Cluver, Simon P. Driver, Abdolhosein Hashemizadeh, Benne W. Holwerda, Jarkko Laine, Maritza A. Lara-Lopez, Jochen Liske, Witold Maciejewski, Nicola R. Napolitano, Samantha J. Penny, Cristina C. Popescu, Anne E. Sansom, Will Sutherland, Edward N. Taylor, Eelco van Kampen, Lingyu Wang

Published 2018-04-12, 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Using a sample of 472 local Universe (z<0.06) galaxies in the stellar massrange 10.25 < log M*/M_sun < 10.75, we explore the variation in galaxystructure as a function of morphology and galaxy colour. Our sample of galaxiesis sub-divided into red, green and blue colour groups and into elliptical andnon-elliptical (disk-type) morphologies. Using KiDS and VIKING derived postagestamp images, a group of eight volunteers visually classified bars, rings,morphological lenses, tidal streams, shells and signs of merger activity forall systems. We find a significant surplus of rings ($2.3\sigma$) and lenses($2.9\sigma$) in disk-type galaxies as they transition across the green valley.Combined, this implies a joint ring/lens green valley surplus significance of$3.3\sigma$ relative to equivalent disk-types within either the blue cloud orthe red sequence. We recover a bar fraction of ~44% which remains flat withcolour, however, we find that the presence of a bar acts to modulate theincidence of rings and (to a lesser extent) lenses, with rings in barreddisk-type galaxies more common by ~20-30 percentage points relative to theirunbarred counterparts, regardless of colour. Additionally, green valleydisk-type galaxies with a bar exhibit a significant $3.0\sigma$ surplus oflenses relative to their blue/red analogues. The existence of such structuresrules out violent transformative events as the primary end-of-life evolutionarymechanism, with a more passive scenario the favoured candidate for the majorityof galaxies rapidly transitioning across the green valley.

1804.04663 The angular momentum-mass relation: a fundamental law from dwarf irregulars to massive spirals

Lorenzo Posti, Filippo Fraternali, Enrico di Teodoro, Gabriele Pezzulli

Published 2018-04-12, A&A Letters, accepted

In a $\Lambda$CDM Universe, the specific stellar angular momentum ($j_\ast$)and stellar mass ($M_\ast$) of a galaxy are correlated as a consequence of thescaling existing for dark matter haloes ($j_{\rm h}\propto M_{\rm h}^{2/3}$).The shape of this law is crucial to test galaxy formation models, which arecurrently discrepant especially at the lowest masses, allowing to constrainfundamental parameters, e.g. the retained fraction of angular momentum. In thisstudy, we accurately determine the empirical $j_\ast-M_\ast$ relation (Fallrelation) for 92 nearby spiral galaxies (from S0 to Irr) selected from theSpitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) sample in theunprecedented mass range $7 \lesssim \log M_\ast/M_\odot \lesssim 11.5$. Wesignificantly improve all previous estimates of the Fall relation bydetermining $j_\ast$ profiles homogeneously for all galaxies, using extended HIrotation curves, and selecting only galaxies for which a robust $j_\ast$ couldbe measured (converged $j_\ast(<R)$ radial profile). We find the relation to bewell described by a single, unbroken power-law $j_\ast\propto M_\ast^\alpha$over the entire mass range, with $\alpha=0.55\pm 0.02$ and orthogonal intrinsicscatter of $0.17\pm 0.01$ dex. We finally discuss some implications for galaxyformation models of this fundamental scaling law and, in particular, the factthat it excludes models in which discs of all masses retain the same fractionof the halo angular momentum.