Семинар 142 – 13 апреля 2020 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2004.02891 From Nuclear to Circumgalactic: Zooming in on AGN-Driven Outflows at z~2.2 with SINFONI

Rebecca L. Davies, N. M. Förster Schreiber, D. Lutz, R. Genzel, S. Belli, T. T. Shimizu, A. Contursi, R. I. Davies, R. Herrera-Camus, M. M. Lee, T. Naab, S. H. Price, A. Renzini, A. Schruba, A. Sternberg, L. J. Tacconi, H. Übler, E. Wisnioski, S. Wuyts

Published 2020-04-06, Accepted for publication in ApJ. Main text 23 pages, 15 figures and 4 tables, plus Appendix (3 pages, 3 figures, 1 table)

We use deep adaptive optics assisted integral field spectroscopy from SINFONIon the VLT to study the spatially resolved properties of ionized gas outflowsdriven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) in three galaxies at z~2.2 -- K20-ID5,COS4-11337 and J0901+1814. These systems probe AGN feedback from nuclear tocircumgalactic scales, and provide unique insights into the differentmechanisms by which AGN-driven outflows interact with their host galaxies.K20-ID5 and COS4-11337 are compact star forming galaxies with powerful$\sim$1500 km s$^{-1}$ AGN-driven outflows that dominate their nuclearH$\alpha$ emission. The outflows do not appear to have any impact on theinstantaneous star formation activity of the host galaxies, but they carry asignificant amount of kinetic energy which could heat the halo gas andpotentially lead to a reduction in the rate of cold gas accretion onto thegalaxies. The outflow from COS4-11337 is propagating directly towards itscompanion galaxy COS4-11363, at a projected separation of 5.4 kpc. COS4-11363shows signs of shock excitation and recent truncation of star formationactivity, which could plausibly have been induced by the outflow fromCOS4-11337. J0901+1814 is gravitationally lensed, giving us a unique view of acompact (R = 470 $\pm$ 70 pc), relatively low velocity ($\sim$650 km s$^{-1}$)AGN-driven outflow. J0901+1814 has a similar AGN luminosity to COS4-11337,suggesting that the difference in outflow properties is not related to thecurrent AGN luminosity, and may instead reflect a difference in theevolutionary stage of the outflow and/or the coupling efficiency between theAGN ionizing radiation field and the gas in the nuclear regions.

Ольга Сильченко


2004.04363 Volumetric Star Formation Prescriptions in Vertically Resolved Edge-on Galaxies

Kijeong Yim, Tony Wong, Richard J. Rand, Eva Schinnerer

Published 2020-04-09, 19 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We measure the gas disc thicknesses of the edge-on galaxy NGC 4013 and theless edge-on galaxies (NGC 4157 and 5907) using CO (CARMA/OVRO) and/or HI(EVLA) observations. We also estimate the scale heights of stars and/or thestar formation rate (SFR) for our sample of five galaxies using Spitzer IR data(3.6 $\mu$m and 24 $\mu$m). We derive the average volume densities of the gasand the SFR using the measured scale heights along with radial surface densityprofiles. Using the volume density that is more physically relevant to the SFRthan the surface density, we investigate the existence of a volumetric starformation law (SFL), how the volumetric SFL is different from thesurface-density SFL, and how the gas pressure regulates the SFR based on ourgalaxy sample. We find that the volumetric and surface SFLs in terms of thetotal gas have significantly different slopes, while the volumetric and surfaceSFLs in terms of the molecular gas do not show any noticeable difference. Thevolumetric SFL for the total gas has a flatter power-law slope of 1.26 with asmaller scatter of 0.19 dex compared to the slope (2.05) and the scatter (0.25dex) of the surface SFL. The molecular gas SFLs have similar slopes of 0.78(volume density) and 0.77 (surface density) with the same rms scatter. We showthat the interstellar gas pressure is strongly correlated with the SFR but findno significant difference between the correlations based on the volume andsurface densities.