Семинар 143 – 20 апреля 2020 г.

Ольга Сильченко


2004.07449 A Precise Benchmark for Cluster Scaling Relations: Fundamental Plane, Mass Plane and IMF in the Coma Cluster from Dynamical Models

Shravan Shetty, Michele Cappellari, Richard M. McDermid, Davor Krajnovic, P. T. de Zeeuw, Roger L. Davies, Chiaki Kobayashi

Published 2020-04-16, 16 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We study a sample of 148 early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster using SDSSphotometry and spectra, and calibrate our results using detailed dynamicalmodels for a subset of these galaxies, to create a precise benchmark fordynamical scaling relations in high-density environments. For these galaxies,we successfully measured global galaxy properties, modeled stellar populations,and created dynamical models, and support the results using detailed dynamicalmodels of 16 galaxies, including the two most massive cluster galaxies, usingdata taken with the SAURON IFU. By design, the study provides minimal scatterin derived scaling relations due to the small uncertainty in the relativedistances of galaxies compared to the cluster distance. Our results demonstratelow ($\leq$55% for 90$^{th}$ percentile) dark matter fractions in the inner1$R_{\rm e}$ ~of galaxies. Owing to the study design, we produce the tightest,to our knowledge, IMF-$\sigma_e$ relation of galaxies, with a slope consistentwith that seen in local galaxies. Leveraging our dynamical models, we transformthe classical Fundamental Plane of the galaxies to the Mass Plane. We find thatthe coefficients of the mass plane are close to predictions from the virialtheorem, and have significantly lower scatter compared to the Fundamentalplane. We show that Coma galaxies occupy similar locations in the (M$_*$ -$R_{\rm e}$) and (M$_*$ - $\sigma_e$) relations as local field galaxies but areolder. This, and the fact we find only three slow rotators in the cluster, isconsistent with the scenario of hierarchical galaxy formation and expectationsof the kinematic morphology-density relation.