Семинар 147 – 18 мая 2020 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2005.04874 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Gas velocity dispersions in low-$z$ star-forming galaxies and the drivers of turbulence

Mathew R. Varidel, Scott M. Croom, Geraint F. Lewis, Deanne B. Fisher, Karl Glazebrook, Barbara Catinella, Luca Cortese, Mark R. Krumholz, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Julia J. Bryant, Brent Groves, Sarah Brough, Christoph Federrath, Jon S. Lawrence, Nuria P. Lorente, Matt S. Owers, Samuel N. Richards, Ángel R. López-Sánchez, Sarah M. Sweet, Jesse van de Sande, Sam P. Vaughan

Published 2020-05-11, 27 pages, 10 figures, accepted for MNRAS

We infer the intrinsic ionised gas kinematics for 383 star-forming galaxiesacross a range of integrated star-formation rates (SFR $\in [10^{-3}, 10^2]$M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$) at $z \lesssim 0.1$ using a consistent 3Dforward-modelling technique. The total sample is a combination of galaxies fromthe SAMI Galaxy Survey and DYNAMO survey. For typical low-$z$ galaxies takenfrom the SAMI Galaxy Survey, we find the vertical velocity dispersion($\sigma_{v, z}$) to be positively correlated with measures of star-formationrate, stellar mass, HI gas mass, and rotational velocity. The greatestcorrelation is with star-formation rate surface density ($\Sigma_\text{SFR}$).Using the total sample, we find $\sigma_{v, z}$ increases slowly as a functionof integrated star-formation rate in the range SFR $\in$ [$10^{-3}$, 1]M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ from $17\pm3$ km s$^{-1}$ to $24\pm5$ km s$^{-1}$ followedby a steeper increase up to $\sigma_{v, z}$ $\sim 80$ km s$^{-1}$ for SFR$\gtrsim 1$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$. This is consistent with recent theoreticalmodels that suggest a $\sigma_{v, z}$ floor driven by star-formation feedbackprocesses with an upturn in $\sigma_{v, z}$ at higher SFR driven bygravitational transport of gas through the disc.

Олег Егоров


2005.04075 The formation of the young massive cluster B1 in the Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/NGC 4039) triggered by cloud-cloud collision

Kisetsu Tsuge, Kengo Tachihara, Yasuo Fukui, Hidetoshi Sano, Kazuki Tokuda, Junko Ueda, Daisuke Iono

Published 2020-05-08, 13 pages, 8 figures submitted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

The Antennae Galaxies is one of the starbursts in major mergers. Tsuge et al.(2020) showed that the five giant molecular complexes in the Antennae Galaxieshave signatures of cloud-cloud collisions based on the ALMA archival data at 60pc resolution. In the present work we analyzed the new CO data toward the superstar cluster (SSC) B1 at 14 pc resolution obtained with ALMA, and confirmedthat two clouds show complementary distribution with a displacement of $\sim$70pc as well as the connecting bridge features between them. The complementarydistribution shows a good correspondence with the theoretical collision model(Takahira et al. 2014), and indicates that SSC B1 having $\sim$10$^{6}$$M$$_{\odot}$ was formed by the trigger of a cloud-cloud collision with a timescale of $\sim$1Myr, which is consistent with the cluster age. It is likelythat SSC B1 was formed from molecular gas of $\sim$10$^{7}$ $M$$_{\odot}$ witha star formation efficiency of $\sim$10 % in 1 Myr. We identified a few placeswhere additional clusters are forming. Detailed gas motion indicates stellarfeedback in accelerating gas is not effective, while ionization plays a role inevacuating the gas around the clusters at a $\sim$30-pc radius. The resultshave revealed the details of the parent gas where a cluster having mass similarto a globular is being formed.

2005.06054 The importance of the diffuse ionized gas for interpreting galaxy spectra

N. Vale Asari, G. Stasińska

Published 2020-05-12, 8 pages, 6 figures, Invited review, Proceedings of IAUS 359, Storchi-Bergmann et al. eds

Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) in galaxies can be found in early-type galaxies, inbulges of late-type galaxies, in the interarm regions of galaxy disks, andoutside the plane of such disks. The emission-line spectrum of the DIG can beconfused with that of a weakly active galactic nucleus. It can also bias theinference of chemical abundances and star formation rates in star forminggalaxies. We discuss how one can detect and feasibly correct for the DIGcontribution in galaxy spectra.