Семинар 167 – 26 октября 2020 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2010.11195 The MURALES survey. III. Completing the MUSE observations of 37 3C low-z radio galaxies

Barbara Balmaverde, Alessandro Capetti, Alessandro Marconi, Giacomo Venturi, M. Chiaberge, R. D. Baldi, S. Baum, R. Gilli, P. Grandi, Eileen T. Meyer, G. Miley, C. O'Dea, W. Sparks, E. Torresi, G. Tremblay

Published 2020-10-21, 29 pages; accepted for publication on A&A

We present the final observations of a complete sample of 37 radio galaxiesfrom the Third Cambridge Catalog (3C) with redshift <0.3 and declination <20degrees obtained with the VLT/MUSE optical integral field spectrograph. Thesedata were obtained as part of the MURALES survey (a MUse RAdio Loud Emissionline Snapshot survey) with the main goal of exploring the AGN feedback processin the most powerful radio sources. We present the data analysis and, for eachsource, the resulting emission line images and the 2D gas velocity field.Thanks to such an unprecedented depth these observations reveal emission lineregions (ELRs) extending several tens of kiloparsec in most objects. The gasvelocity shows ordered rotation in 25 galaxies, but in several sources it ishighly complex. We find that the 3C sources show a connection between radiomorphology and emission line properties. In the ten FRI sources the lineemission region is generally compact, only a few kpc in size, and only in onecase it exceeds the size of the host. Conversely, all but two of the FRIIgalaxies show large-scale structures of ionized gas. The median extent is 16kpc with the maximum reaching a size of ~80 kpc. There are no apparentdifferences in extent or strength between the ELR properties of the FRIIsources of high and low gas excitation. We confirm that the previous opticalidentification of 3C258 is incorrect: this radio source is likely associatedwith a QSO at z~ 1.54.

2010.10641 Fast Outflows in Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies with Keck/NIRES

Luke Finnerty, Kirsten Larson, B. T. Soifer, Lee Armus, Keith Matthews, Hyunsung D. Jun, Dae-Sik Moon, Jason Melbourne, Percy Gomez, Chao-Wei Tsai, Tanio Diaz-Santos, Peter Eisenhardt, Michael Cushing

Published 2020-10-20, 26 pages, 5 figures, accepted to ApJ

We present rest-frame optical spectroscopic observations of 24 HotDust-Obscured Galaxies (Hot DOGs) at redshifts 1.7-4.6 with KECK/NIRES. Ourtargets are selected based on their extreme red colors to be the highestluminosity sources from the WISE infrared survey. In 20 sources withwell-detected emission we fit the key [O III], H$\beta$, H$\alpha$, [N II], and[S II] diagnostic lines to constrain physical conditions. Of the 17 targetswith a clear detection of the [O III]$\rm \lambda$5007A emission line, 15display broad blueshifted and asymmetric line profiles, with widths rangingfrom 1000 to 8000 $\rm km\ s^{-1}$ and blueshifts up to 3000 $\rm km\ s^{-1}$.These kinematics provide strong evidence for the presence of massive ionizedoutflows of up to $8000\ \rm M_\odot\ yr^{-1}$, with a median of $150\ \rmM_\odot\ yr^{-1}$. As many as eight sources show optical emission line ratiosconsistent with vigorous star formation. Balmer line star-formation rates,uncorrected for reddening, range from 30--1300 $\rm M_\odot\ yr^{-1}$, with amedian of $50\ \rm M_\odot\ yr^{-1}$. Estimates of the SFR from SED fitting ofmid and far-infrared photometry suggest significantly higher values. Weestimate the central black hole masses to be of order $10^{8-10}\rm\ M_\odot$,assuming the present-day $\rm M_{BH}-\sigma_*$ relation. The bolometricluminosities and the estimated masses of the central black holes of thesegalaxies suggest that many of the AGN-dominated Hot DOGs are accreting at orabove their Eddington limit. The combination of ongoing star formation, massiveoutflows, and high Eddington ratios suggest Hot DOGs are a transitional phasein galaxy evolution.