Семинар 177 – 18 января 2021 г.

Алексей Моисеев


2012.12787 Two types of distribution of the gas velocity dispersion of MaNGA galaxies

L. S. Pilyugin, I. A. Zinchenko, M. A. Lara-Lopez, Y. A. Nefedyev, J. M. Vilchez

Published 2020-12-23, 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Astron.Astrophys. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2005.12744

The distribution of the gas velocity dispersion sigma across the images of1146 MaNGA galaxies is analyzed. We find that there are two types ofdistribution of the gas velocity dispersion across the images of galaxies: (i)the distributions of 909 galaxies show a radial symmetry with or without thesigma enhancement at the center (R distribution) and (ii) distributions with aband of enhanced sigma along the minor axis in the images of 159 galaxies withor without the sigma enhancement at the center (B distribution) The sigmadistribution across the images of 78 galaxies cannot be reliable classified. Weselect 806 galaxies with the best defined characteristics (this sample includes687 galaxies with R distribution and 119 galaxies with B distribution) andcompare the properties of galaxies with R and B distributions. We find that themedian value of the gas velocity dispersion sigma_m in galaxies with Bdistribution is higher by around 5 km/s, on average, than that of galaxies withR distribution. The optical radius R_25 of galaxies with B distribution islower by around 0.1 dex, on average, than that of galaxies with similar masseswith R distribution. Thus the properties of a galaxy are related to the type ofdistribution of the gas velocity dispersion across its image. This suggeststhat the presence of the band of the enhanced gas velocity dispersion can be anindicator of a specific evolution (or a specific stage in the evolution) of agalaxy.

2012.12293 Development of the ROSIE Integral Field Unit on the Magellan IMACS Spectrograph

Rosalie C. McGurk, Stephen A. Shectman, Leon Aslan, Chung-Pei Ma

Published 2020-12-22, 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, submitted to SPIE

We are building an image slicer integral field unit (IFU) to go on the IMACSwide-field imaging spectrograph on the Magellan Baade Telescope at Las CampanasObservatory, the Reformatting Optically-Sensitive IMACS Enhancement IFU, orROSIE IFU. The 50.4" x 53.5" field of view will be pre-sliced into four 12.6" x53.5" subfields, and then each subfield will be divided into 21 0.6" x 53.5"slices. The four main image slicers will produce four pseudo-slits spaced sixarcminutes apart across the IMACS f/2 camera field of view, providing awavelength coverage of 1800 Angstroms at a spectral resolution of 2000. Opticsare in-hand, the first image slicer is being aluminized, mounts are beingdesigned and fabricated, and software is being written. This IFU will enablethe efficient mapping of extended objects such as nebulae, galaxies, oroutflows, making it a powerful addition to IMACS.

2101.05463 Hyper Suprime-Cam Legacy Archive

Masayuki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Kazumi Murata, Satoshi Takita, Sogo Mineo, Michitaro Koike, Yuki Okura, Sumiko Harasawa

Published 2021-01-14, 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PASJ. Data available at https://hscla.mtk.nao.ac.jp/

We present the launch of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Legacy Archive (HSCLA), apublic archive of processed, science-ready data from Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC).HSC is an optical wide-field imager installed at the prime focus of the SubaruTelescope and has been in operation since 2014. While ~1/3 of the totalobserving time of HSC has been used for the Subaru Strategic Program (SSP), theremainder of the time is used for PI programs. We have processed the data fromthese PI programs and make the processed, high quality data available to thecommunity through HSCLA. The current version of HSCLA includes data taken inthe first year of science operation, 2014. We provide both individual and coaddimages as well as photometric catalogs. The photometric catalog from the coaddis loaded to the database, which offers a fast access to the large catalog.There are other online tools such as image browser and image cutout tool andthey will be useful for science analyses. The coadd images reach 24-27thmagnitudes at $5\sigma$ for point sources and cover approximately 580 squaredegrees in at least one filter with 150 million objects in total. We performextensive quality assurance tests and verify the photometric and astrometricquality of the data to be good enough for most scientific explorations.However, the data are not without problems and users are referred to the listof known issues before exploiting the data for science. All the data anddocumentations can be found at the data release site,https://hscla.mtk.nao.ac.jp/.

Анатолий Засов


2101.04514 HI Global Scaling Relations in the WISE-WHISP Survey

Elizabeth Naluminsa, Edward C. Elson, Thomas H. Jarrett

Published 2021-01-12, 18 pages, 5 tables, 16 Figures. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Minor revision

We present the global scaling relations between the neutral atomic hydrogengas, the stellar disk and the star forming disk in a sample of 228 nearbygalaxies that are both spatially and spectrally resolved in HI line emission.We have used HI data from the Westerbork survey of HI in Irregular and Spiralgalaxies (WHISP) and Mid Infrared (3.4 $\mu m$, 11.6 $\mu m$) data from theWide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) survey, combining two datasets thatare well-suited to such a study in terms of uniformity, resolution andsensitivity. We utilize the novel method of deriving scaling relations forquantities enclosed within the stellar disk rather than integrating over the HIdisk and find the global scaling relations to be tighter when defined forenclosed quantities. We also present new HI intensity maps for the WHISP surveyderived using a robust noise rejection technique along with correspondingvelocity fields.

Ольга Сильченко


2101.05321 Composite Bulges -- II. Classical Bulges and Nuclear Discs in Barred Galaxies: The Contrasting Cases of NGC 4608 and NGC 4643

Peter Erwin, Anil Seth, Victor P. Debattista, Marja Seidel, Kianusch Mehrgan, Jens Thomas, Roberto Saglia, Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres, Witold Maciejewski, Maximilian Fabricius, Jairo Méndez-Abreu, Ulrich Hopp, Matthias Kluge, John E. Beckman, Ralf Bender, Niv Drory, Deanne Fisher

Published 2021-01-13, Revised with final proof corrections; pdflatex, 29 pages, 22 figures; accepted by MNRAS. Data, code, and Jupyter notebooks available at https://github.com/perwin/n4608-n4643

We present detailed morphological, photometric, and stellar-kinematicanalyses of the central regions of two massive, early-type barred galaxies withnearly identical large-scale morphologies. Both have large, strong bars withprominent inner photometric excesses that we associate with boxy/peanut-shaped(B/P) bulges; the latter constitute ~ 30% of the galaxy light. Inside its B/Pbulge, NGC 4608 has a compact, almost circular structure (half-light radius R_eapprox. 310 pc, S\'ersic n = 2.2) we identify as a classical bulge, amountingto 12.1% of the total light, along with a nuclear star cluster (R_e ~ 4 pc).NGC 4643, in contrast, has a nuclear disc with an unusual broken-exponentialsurface-brightness profile (13.2% of the light), and a very small spheroidalcomponent (R_e approx. 35 pc, n = 1.6; 0.5% of the light). IFU stellarkinematics support this picture, with NGC 4608's classical bulge slowlyrotating and dominated by high velocity dispersion, while NGC 4643's nucleardisc shows a drop to lower dispersion, rapid rotation, V-h3 anticorrelation,and elevated h4. Both galaxies show at least some evidence for V-h3 correlationin the bar (outside the respective classical bulge and nuclear disc), inagreement with model predictions. Standard 2-component (bulge/disc)decompositions yield B/T ~ 0.5-0.7 (and bulge n > 2) for both galaxies. Thisoverestimates the true "spheroid" components by factors of four (NGC 4608) andover 100 (NGC 4643), illustrating the perils of naive bulge-disc decompositionsapplied to massive barred galaxies.

2101.04478 A prediction on the age of thick discs as a function of the stellar mass of the host galaxy

S. Comerón

Published 2021-01-12, Letter accepted for publication in A&A

One of the suggested thick disc formation mechanisms is that they were bornquickly and in situ from a turbulent clumpy disc. Subsequently, thin discsformed slowly within them from leftovers of the turbulent phase and frommaterial accreted through cold flows and minor mergers. In this letter, Ipropose an observational test to verify this hypothesis. By combining thickdisc and total stellar masses of edge-on galaxies with galaxy stellar massfunctions calculated in the redshift range of $z\leq3.0$, I derived a positivecorrelation between the age of the youngest stars in thick discs and thestellar mass of the host galaxy; galaxies with a present-day stellar mass of$\mathcal{M}_\star(z=0)<10^{10}\,\mathcal{M}_\odot$ have thick disc stars asyoung as $4-6\,{\rm Gyr}$, whereas the youngest stars in the thick discs ofMilky-Way-like galaxies are $\sim10\,{\rm Gyr}$ old. I tested this predictionagainst the scarcely available thick disc age estimates, all of them are fromgalaxies with $\mathcal{M}_\star(z=0)\gtrsim10^{10}\,\mathcal{M}_\odot$, and Ifind that field spiral galaxies seem to follow the expectation. On the otherhand, my derivation predicts ages that are too low for the thick discs inlenticular galaxies, indicating a fast early evolution for S0 galaxies. Ipropose the idea of conclusively testing whether thick discs formed quickly andin situ by obtaining the ages of thick discs in field galaxies with masses of$\mathcal{M}_\star(z=0)\sim10^{9.5}\,\mathcal{M}_\odot$ and by checking whetherthey contain $\sim5\,{\rm Gyr}$-old stars.