Семинар 24 – 7 декабря 2015 г.

Доклад: Реферат статей Петти и др. (2014, 2015). Морфология Млечного Пути. Реконструкция L-V диаграмм

Анна Мельник


Алексей Моисеев


1512.00246 Deep MUSE observations in the HDFS. Morpho-kinematics of distant star-forming galaxies down to $10^8$M$_\odot$

T. Contini, B. Epinat, N. Bouché, J. Brinchmann, L. A. Boogaard, E. Ventou, R. Bacon, J. Richard, P. M. Weilbacher, L. Wisotzki, D. Krajnović, J-B. Vielfaure, E. Emsellem, H. Finley, H. Inami, J. Schaye, M. Swinbank, A. Guérou, T. Martinsson, L. Michel-Dansac, I. Schroetter, M. Shirazi, G. Soucail

Published 2015-12-01, 26 pages. Published in A&A

(Abridged) We make use of the deepest VLT/MUSE observations performed so faron the Hubble Deep Field South (HDFS) to characterize the low-mass (<$10^{10}$M$_\odot$) galaxy population at intermediate redshift. We identify asample of 28 spatially-resolved emission-line galaxies in the deep (27hintegration time) MUSE data cube, spread over a redshift interval of 0.2 < z <1.4. The public HST images and multi-band photometry over the HDFS are used toconstrain the stellar mass and star formation rate (SFR) of the galaxies and toperform a morphological analysis. We derive the resolved ionized gas propertiesof these galaxies from the MUSE data and model the disk (both in 2D and withGalPaK$^{\rm 3D}$) to retrieve their intrinsic gas kinematics. We build asample of resolved emission-line galaxies of much lower stellar mass and SFR(by $\sim$1-2 orders of magnitude) than previous 3D spectroscopic surveys. Mostof the spatially-resolved MUSE-HDFS galaxies have gas kinematics consistentwith disk-like rotation, but about 20% have velocity dispersions larger thanthe rotation velocities, and 30% are part of a close pair and/or show clearsigns of recent gravitational interactions. In the high-mass regime, theMUSE-HDFS galaxies follow the Tully-Fisher relation defined from previoussurveys in a similar redshift range. This scaling relation extends also tolower masses/velocities but with a higher dispersion. The MUSE-HDFS galaxiesfollow the scaling relations defined in the local universe between the specificangular momentum and the stellar mass. However, we find thatintermediate-redshift star-forming galaxies fill a continuum transition fromthe spiral to elliptical local scaling relations, according to the dynamicalstate of the gas. This indicates that some galaxies may lose their angularmomentum and become dispersion-dominated prior to becoming passive.

1512.00461 Down-the-barrel and transverse observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud: evidence for a symmetrical galactic wind on the near and far sides of the galaxy

Kat Barger, Nicolas Lehner, J. Chris Howk

Published 2015-12-01, Accepted to ApJ

We compare the properties of gas flows on both the near and far side of theLarge Magellanic Cloud (LMC) disk using Hubble Space Telescope UVabsorption-line observations toward an AGN behind (transverse) and a starwithin (down-the-barrel) the LMC disk at an impact parameter of 3.2 kpc. Wefind that even in this relatively quiescent region gas flows away from the diskat speeds up to $\sim$100 km/s in broad and symmetrical absorption in the lowand high ions. The symmetric absorption profiles combined with previous surveysshowing little evidence that the ejected gas returns to the LMC and providecompelling evidence that the LMC drives a global, large-scale outflow acrossits disk, which is the likely result of a recent burst of star formation in theLMC. We find that the outflowing gas is multiphase, ionized by bothphotoionization (SiII and SiIII) and collisional ionization (SiIV and CIV). Weestimate a total mass and outflow rate to be $>10^7$ Msun and $>0.4$ Msun/yr.Since the velocity of this large-scale outflow does not reach the LMC escapevelocity, the gas removal is likely aided by either ram-pressure stripping withthe Milky Way halo or tidal interactions with the surrounding galaxies,implying that the environment of LMC-like or dwarf galaxies plays an importantrole in their ultimate gas starvation. Finally we reassess the mass andplausible origins of the high-velocity complex toward the LMC given itsnewly-determined distance that places it in the lower Milky Way halo andsky-coverage that shows it extends well beyond the LMC disk.

Анатолий Засов


1512.01095 Deep optical images of Malin 1 reveal new features

Gaspar Galaz, Carlos Milovic, Vincent Suc, Luis Busta, Guadalupe Lizana, Leopoldo Infante, Santiago Royo

Published 2015-12-03, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJ Letters), 3 Figures (reduced in size)

We present Megacam deep optical images (g and r) of Malin 1 obtained with the6.5m Magellan/Clay telescope, detecting structures down to ~ 28 B mag arcsec-2.In order to enhance galaxy features buried in the noise, we use a noisereduction filter based on the total generalized variation regularizator. Thismethod allows us to detect and resolve very faint morphological features,including spiral arms, with a high visual contrast. For the first time, we canappreciate an optical image of Malin 1 and its morphology in full view. Theimages provide unprecedented detail, compared to those obtained in the pastwith photographic plates and CCD, including HST imaging. We detect two peculiarfeatures in the disk/spiral arms. The analysis suggests that the first one ispossibly a background galaxy, and the second is an apparent stream without aclear nature, but could be related to the claimed past interaction betweenMalin 1 and the galaxy SDSSJ123708.91 + 142253.2. Malin 1 exhibits featuressuggesting the presence of stellar associations, and clumps of molecular gas,not seen before with such a clarity. Using these images, we obtain a diameterfor Malin 1 of 160 kpc, ~ 50 kpc larger than previous estimates. A simpleanalysis shows that the observed spiral arms reach very low luminosity and masssurface densities, to levels much lower than the corresponding values for theMilky Way.

1511.08741 An assessment of the "too big to fail" problem for field dwarf galaxies in view of baryonic feedback effects

Emmanouil Papastergis, Francesco Shankar

Published 2015-11-27, v2 matches version accepted by A&A. About 9 pages, 5 figures (+ appendices)

Recent studies have established that extreme dwarf galaxies --whethersatellites or field objects-- suffer from the so called "too big to fail"(TBTF) problem. Put simply, the TBTF problem consists of the fact that it isdifficult to explain both the measured kinematics of dwarfs and their observednumber density within the LCDM framework. The most popular proposed solutionsto the problem involve baryonic feedback processes. For example, reionizationand baryon depletion can decrease the abundance of halos that are expected tohost dwarf galaxies. Moreover, feedback related to star formation can alter thedark matter density profile in the central regions of low-mass halos. In thisarticle we assess the TBTF problem for field dwarfs, taking explicitly intoaccount the baryonic effects mentioned above. We find that 1) reionizationfeedback cannot resolve the TBTF problem on its own, because the halos inquestion are too massive to be affected by it, and that 2) the degree to whichprofile modification can be invoked as a solution to the TBTF problem dependson the radius at which galactic kinematics are measured. Based on a literaturesample of about 90 dwarfs with interferometric observations in the 21cm line ofatomic hydrogen (HI), we conclude that the TBTF problem persists despitebaryonic effects. However, the preceding statement assumes that the sampleunder consideration is representative of the general population of fielddwarfs. In addition, the unexplained excess of dwarf galaxies in LCDM could beas small as a factor of ~ 1.8, given the current uncertainties in themeasurement of the galactic velocity function. Both of these caveats highlightthe importance of upcoming uniform surveys with HI interferometers foradvancing our understanding of the issue.